Original Database: Data Recovery


Veeam reduces data recovery time from 40 hours to 5 minutes and supports Banco Original's growth strategy.


With nearly 5 million customers, Banco Original is known for being the first complete digital bank to open a 100% online checking account, either digitally or by cell phone. The institution has a complete ecosystem of financial services.

As Banco Original does not have a physical branch, any unavailability in a server can directly impact the end customer, compromising the user experience. Also because it is a digital bank, it is essential that operations are fast and secure. For this reason, the Information Technology area is totally strategic for the organization, needing to offer an extremely agile environment and able to provide products with the innovation and time that the market demands.

Banco Original comes from a constant growth in the number of customers. In one year (between May 2019 and May 2020) the number of customers jumped 382%. It is estimated that in 2021 this increase will be even more significant, above 500%. For this reason, the institution needs solutions that support its growth, in addition to providing a stable, available, secure and agile environment, ready to launch new services and products frequently, meeting the business demands with a good Time to Market and favoring the consumer experience.


Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365

Banco Original saw, through Veeam's solutions, the opportunity to have an even more available and secure environment capable of meeting its needs. Veeam was already an option to be considered by managers since they learned about its tools at events, in conversations with other customers and market analysts. As a result, the IT team requested a Proof of Concept (POC) of Veeam Backup & Replication technology from V8.TECH, Platinum Veeam ProPartner.

the institution chose Veeam's tool to be part of its new data backup and restoration strategy, supporting the organization's growth by offering a solution that recovers data instantly in the event of a failure, while being imperceptible to the end user.

Since 2015, Veeam Backup & Replication has been the leading backup and recovery platform for 99% data from Banco Original's virtualized environment. In addition, the institution is supported by Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office Veeam technology, which protects all of the Bank's mailboxes.

"Implementation was very fast and everything was done very carefully in order to prevent incidents."

Besides the backup time being drastically reduced, from more than 40 hours to 5 minutes, Sims explains that another positive point is the possibility of the tool to provide many reports. “For us, banks, which have many auditing processes, it makes managing our environment much easier, as it allows us to see if everything is working as it should. Furthermore, Veeam solutions are very intuitive and easy to use.”

Veeam's solutions were implemented by the V8.TECH team, which, in addition to providing support and service, also plays an important role as an advisor to the institution. V8 structured the entire proof of value and designed the entire solution implementation roadmap. “V8.TECH helps us a lot, its specialists are always attentive to our needs and send us news that makes sense for the bank. If we need any support, we are sure they will support us. Everyone is very helpful and always willing to help, which gives us great security, because we know that we are really well supported”.
Everton Sims, IT Infrastructure Manager at Banco Original


– Reduction in data recovery time from 40 hours to 5 minutes;
– Provision of various reports, facilitating audit processes;
– A more agile and secure environment to meet the Bank's needs.


Instant data recovery
The Veeam Backup & Replication tool significantly impacted data recovery time, reducing it from 40 hours to 5 minutes.

Simplified Audit
As the financial sector is highly regulated, the reports provided by Veeam meet the needs of the market and facilitate audit processes due to the wide range of information provided.

Agility and security
Veeam's solutions offered an even more agile and secure environment for the Bank, which feels more confident in launching more products and services to its customers in a better Time to Market.

About the Original Bank:

Banco Original is a private Brazilian financial institution with more than 4 million customers and was the first bank to open a 100% digital checking account. It operates in the retail segments (individuals and entrepreneurs), companies (small, medium and large companies), fintechs (through the Banking as a Service unit) and digital portfolios (through its subsidiary PicPay).

Original also offers acquiring services for its PJ clients. The Banco Original application is complete among the digital ones and is available for both iOS and Android and allows the request for opening an account and its full movement (payments, transfers, loans, investments, among others). The institution is still fully integrated with the PIX, using artificial intelligence, to assist the process. Visit our sites and learn more: original.com.br | openbanking.com.br

Site: www.original.com.br

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