Private Cloud

Customer experiences that drive results

Through infrastructure, V8.TECH offers more control, customization and security.   THE private cloud It is an on-demand cloud deployment model in which cloud computing services and infrastructure are hosted privately, usually on your own intranet or data center, using proprietary resources that are not shared with other organizations. If the business is in an industry that requires additional levels of security to ensure compliance, mas deseja-se a flexibilidade da nuvem, este modelo é bastante indicado pois, oferece maior nível de segurança e privacidade por meio de firewalls e hosting interno para garantir que as operações e dados confidenciais não possam ser acessados por terceiros. Os dados ficam disponíveis apenas para os usuários da empresa, mas ao mesmo tempo, permitem que usuários autorizados tenham acesso a dados de qualquer lugar. Através da virtualização, a V8 TECH develops processes for creating a software-based or virtual representation such as virtual applications, servers, storage and networks, effectively reducing IT expenses while increasing efficiency and agility.
– Infrastructure
– Virtualization
– Connectivity
– Hosting


business units

“We are V8 because we believe in the power of a company's engine, people. Whether they are our customers or employees.”