AWS provides services from numerous data centers strategically spread across availability zones in different areas of the world and its main services are technologies in public, private and hybrid clouds.
V8 TECH specializes in accelerating the design, deployment and adoption of technology infrastructure, maximizing results while minimizing costs and risks. WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN THE MAIN CLOUDS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY.
The business challenge in times like the current ones is directly related to digital transformation. We know that the cloud is driving the advancement of technologies, organizational and cultural changes.
To be assertive in which solution to adopt, it is necessary to SPECIALIZED CONSULTANT, which will evaluate and validate the wide variety of technologies, tools and processes to navigate the different types of architectures of each environment that are available in the market.
Equipe técnica e comercial com amplo conhecimento de mercado e soluções de TI, o que nos permite não somente analisar e otimizar o ambiente de tecnologia de nossos clientes como também agregar valor para seus negócios.
Atuação utilizando as melhores técnicas e práticas para:
• Estratégias de Migração Multicloud
• Migração Faseada e Mitigação de Riscos
• Gestão Unificada e Automação
• Otimização Contínua (FinOps)
• Planejamento Estratégico
• Seleção de Provedores e Serviços
• Análise de Viabilidade
• Desenho de Arquitetura
Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing suite offered by Google. Along with a set of modular management tools, they provide a range of services including computing, data warehousing, data analysis and machine learning.
Learn more about Google Cloud Partner
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